Strong RTS, worth picking up if you are an RTS fan and have at least a passing interest in WW2.
- Fun campaign.
- Lots of new strategies with directional units and base defenses, directional armor, etc.
- Great graphics.
The Bad:
- The controls don't really support the game play. Trying to get a tank to drive in reverse so it doesn't get its back armor shot is a real pain.
- It sometimes really sucks when units won't turn to face an obvious new threat. Machine-gunners that will just stand there and die without your constant micro-management can be very frustrating.
- Balance on tanks seems questionable. Multiplayer always seems to revolve around the success or failure of a tank duel.
- End missions in the campaign have a population limit that does not support the epic quality of the missions. You are often asked to defend whole cities with just a handful of guys. You have plenty of resources, just not enough population.
The Ugly:
- Crashed 4 times as I played through the campaign, lost most of my progress on a mission when it did.
- Lots of random numbers in the game mean that sometimes your units do NO DAMAGE when they attack. Sometimes this might happen several times in a row. Can't really recommend the game for serious competitive play as a result.