Nice RTS game...not a perfect one though..
After my very first game of Company of Heroes, I was like.."wow, this is awesome, this is the best RTS ever!!" But after few more rounds of COH, I'v already seen enough. Huge crater from the explosion, falling trees and flying people don't seem to be interesting as much as it did anymore. Gameplay felt too repetitive and nothing felt new or interesting enough. After few days, I lost interest of this game, and I started playing something else. Although I did open up this game again occasionally, I didn't spend more than 2 hours of my time every time I played this game.
I am not saying this is a horrible game and you must avoid this game. I am sure almost everyone will agree that this one has a great look. Few people might agree that it sounds pretty good too. But games are not about just how it looks and sounds, are they? Although its unique and somewhat weird gameplay might call you back for time to time, this one is definitely not the one that could make you stay up night after night.
If your computer is sitting there with unused nvIdia GeForce 7950GTX, and you don't know what to do with $60 in your pocket, go for it. It's not a horrible game, so I am sure you will enjoy it for at least a few days. If above is not your case, try to avoid this game, because you will soon be saying, "Damn, I should've bought something else..."