As good as it possibly could be! A must buy for anyone who likes RTS games.

User Rating: 9.5 | Company of Heroes PC
This game showed me just how awful war is. I watched as my troops bravely ran up the beach only to get shot down by several nazis from above. This made it all the more satisfying when i killed the bastards. The way Company of Heroes sets the scene with its beautiful cutscenes makes it seem important that you complete your missions, and it makes it all the more bitter when just one of your men die.

The graphics are incedible, the detail on your soldiers and tanks, the destroyed houses and fantastic effects make everything so immersive .

The gameplay is great, the sniper shooting an enemy soldier is as satisfying as the perfect headshot on Counter-Strike. Every minute of this is pure fun (except when my PC can't handle it). Strategy is everything, you could complete each mission with few to zero casualties. Each class is has good weak points and strong points. I find the experiance to be unnecasary and just makes it more complecated ( you earn experiance for kills etc. and can get things by doing this ). The game is quite easy though, so for hardcore players you won't find it too challening.

The controls are good, pretty much the same as most RTSs, nothing special. The layout of the abilities and map is good and it is easy to find and use special attacks or build defenses. Nothing innovative. You can't change the layout like you can in SupCom.
Controls and Layout - 86%

Company of Heroes is great value, you're gonna get alot of playtime having fun with the missions and skirmishes and you get a free copy of Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War ( however, once you get bored of CoH you won't find DoW refreshing ).
Value - 100%

This game feels right, and is as rewarding as it is fun, buy it! Overall Score - 95%