A very good game, no argue about that. But still, just a good game, nothing more.
What I don't like about this game (and almost every game I have recently played) is that you only respond to some scripted events, rather than triggering them with your own decisions and actions. This is becoming really boring, as you don't have the feeling something actually depends on what you do. Come on, we're in 2007!
Having said that, try to guess what's my favorite game for the last couple of years. Yep, you got it right, it's S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Now that is some real-life experience! It makes you feel like you are part of a breathing world that reacts and changes upon you actions. I wish CoH was closer to this.
But still - a nice game. I only hope there will be some less intensive missions where I will FINALLY get some time to make myself familiar with all the buildings and upgrades! Because I have this strange feeling I am going to need this knowledge later on. In the end, what's the point of having all the upgrades and specialized vehicles if you are thrown into the action from minute 1 and don't have the time to scratch your ass, let alone study upgrades or plan something in advance.