A refreshing change in the RTS genera that pushes a player into the action of battle in both single and multiplayer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Company of Heroes PC
Unlike more traditional games in the genera Company of Heroes does away with farming resources to build ones army Instead the game has players seizing control of victory points to buy more troops. In CoH victory points are used to purchase new troops, build structures and call in reinforcements. This makes for interesting game play as the player must quickly send troops out into the battlefield in order to build up their armies. CoH won't allow a player tosit back and build up a massive army to take over the enemy, and instead forces one to use strategy to over take their enemy. This is a refreshing and much needed change since these are real time STRATEGY games. In addition you have a lot of control over your troops. A player can send a platoon up to gain cover near a brick wall instead of leaving them open in a field, or turn their tanks to keep the strong armored fronts pointing towards an enemy. Snipers can be placed in church bell towers to not only keep control of a sector, but, in fog of war, reveal a larger portion of the map. All of these many elements create for an upfront, in your face game play style that will keep players on their toes. The multi-player for CoH is as top notch as it should be, but is accompanied by an amazing single player campaign. The A.I. is intelligent an acts much like a human opponent. The graphics for CoH are amazing, but will look good without using the most high end PC hardware. The environments are detailed and destructible. Every fence, tree, bridge and building are all destructible. When a match begins the map will always look much different by the time it's over. Sound is great as well. Using a good seat of speakers and sound card is a must for this game. The audio here really brings the battlefield to life.
Any fan RTS games, or never taken the time to check one out make sure to pick this one up. If you've tried RTS games in the past and for one reason or another never got into them you should still pick up a copy of this game. There are enough improvements to the genera here to give RTS game another shot.