Time didn't allow Conan to age well.
So, right from the start, this game could be good, if it was more polished for the pc.
The worst things are
1) controls - this game was made with consoles in mind, not a big deal, but playing with mouse and keyboard is very sluggish, and gamepad somehow didn't work with this either.
2) camera - weird angles, shifts of perspective, it's hard to get used to.
3) glitches - I thought that beta testers actually test games, well this game probably didn't have them. Stuck on terrain everywhere along with weird jumping and climbing are most annoying.
I'm old school gamer and can look past graphics. Gameplay has to be fluid, smooth. Sadly the issues I've described prevent it form being so. This game has some good points, but it's not worth to mention it.
In 2004 I would rate this game max 5. If they would work out those issues, game could easily be strong 7. Now I'm giving it 2 - just because on the front picture we have Conan with not so bad chick!
Even if you're a big Conan fan you shouldn't waste your time with this game.