Good Hack and Slash Game
User Rating: 8.5 | Conan PS3
For game fans looking for something similar to God of War to hold them over till the 3rd one comes out in late 2009, then this is the game for you. Controls are almost the exact same and the violence is just as gory and brutal. Although it can never compare to the glory that is GOW, it still has much potential to be a very enjoyable game as you slaughter your way through it. The environments are very well designed and quite interactive, being able to pick up most object and burn anything you can light a torch to. The jumping controls are a bit blocky and need work but executing vicious combos is always enjoyable. And with so many to choose from you'll never get bored of slicing off an enemies head with your shield to breaking his back over your knee. Overall it is a somewhat easy but enjoyable game that any player can pickup and have fun with.