Well it could have been great!! Maybe next time.

User Rating: 7 | Conan PS3
Well this game is actually enjoyable if you can get to play it for more than a half hour before one or other glitch irritates the living crap out of you that you almost fuse your controller with your two month salary HD-TV.

Well Conan feels a lot like god of war. only this game really isn't done as good and the story isn't all that good. But on the other side its brutal with a lot of really cool moves and combo's . like god of war it has killing moves where you need to press buttons in sequence to perform a kill. It plays good until you get a glitch.I really don't usually mind a glitch here and there but then it shouldn't mess up the pace of the game forcing a restart or freeze completely.

This games graphics really are very raw and doesn't look like it belongs on the PS3 so for that reason i wouldn't suggest you pay full price for this game.If you really are a die hard fan of god of war then you might enjoy this game. but make sure you get it preowned
or for a bargain price.

Peace out!!