Darkness comes all forms

User Rating: 9 | Condemned 2 PS3
Hi there yall, i played the first one to death and back, and the second one builds on a formula that worked in the first game, now the 2nd takes it that step further.

Better deeper darker story, better challenges, more grunting goons lining up to take a crack from that pipe you picked up and the new crime scene mini game is a blast being able to interpret the scene which helps towards bonus unlocks that are helpful and fun.

Having the game shot from first person even in cinematic gives it that important tension that made the first installment a real blast, and the set peaces (spoiler below dodge stars to avoid disappointment

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Being chased threw that wooden house by that bear is such a rush the best rush i have ever felt in a game i swear you could almost smell the bear it's self

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So from start to finish, if you don't jump at least once on your first play through you are dead inside go see a doctor! lol.

All the new additions are more than welcome, hand to hand combat and the new environment kills make you feel that more connected to the kills than ever before.

Highly recommended

Thanks for reading

Blood Diamond