Condemned criminal origins is a good game that you will enjoy specially if you like horror games.
The gameplay mechanics of this title are very interesting and something new that had not been tried before by other developers, the game is not about having big guns with a lot of fire power, it's more about hand-to-hand combat by using axes, sledgehammers, pipes etc., anyway that reallly helps creating what the game intends to.... A crude and terrific combat, when you hit an enemy you can see sometimes the blood and teeth coming out of his mouth, the combat is pretty intense and is the main atraction of the gameplay and it works pretty well, the characters have a lot of differente rutines so the combat always keeps fresh from beginning to end.
The graphics are pretty nice too, the game really looks like a next gen game specially if you have a high definition tv, everything is very detailed, better than the graphics are the sound effects and music, they are so very well done, and do their porpuse (making you feel the stress and tension that the game wants you to experience).
the game won't last you very long though, I finish the game in about 9 hours, but I am sure they are quality hours of gameplay, one thing I didn't like was the story, it feels forced and doesn't make too much sense, putting that aside, the game is worth buying