Scary, but repedetive!

User Rating: 6.9 | Condemned: Criminal Origins X360
I have played this game for a total of about 3 hours, and i think that it has fairly good graphics, it is creative, and original. The overall game sadly just keeps feeding you the same thing over and over again. The weapons are the same mostly all through out the game and the people pretty much do the same things. The stupid scanner needs to be directly on the "stain" for you to move on in the game, and it is always really dark! People are hiding in the dark and you can walk into a room in the game and say, "Wow... i wonder what is going to happen?" and then boom a guy runs across the room, and you just dont care. This game did not keep my interest and i wish that i could say better, and i do give credit to the makers for there outstanding originality!