A Very Solid Launch Game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Condemned: Criminal Origins X360
Im going to "bullet" this review becuase iam really tired.

The Good:
-Forensic Tools are cool to use.
-Graphics are top notch
-Story is great
-Sound really immerses you into the twisted world
-Beating up crackheads never gets old
-Crapload of achievments for all of you achievment W H O R E S

The Bad:
-The adventure will only last you a weekend, with nonstop playing
-Guns only have max of 5 bullets.
-Can get repitive.
-Maybe it is too scary?
-Screwed up ranking system

The Ugly:
-Those godamned, ring looking chicks.

Pick up this game or even rent it, you wont be dissapointed.