Condemned is a slow-paced, dark game that is unique to all other lauch titles.
The single player mode will take at least 8-10 hours. It is decently long, and very frightening. Pretty much all the enviroments are dark, so you will be using your flashlight the whole time. The first few hours of this is cool, but it does get a little repetitive walking slowly through the dark, seeing only what is being shown under the light of your flashlight. The enemies are crazy. They are amazingly detailed and groseer looking than any I've ever seen. The enemies don't just look good though, they are incredibly smart. Condemend contains probably the best enemy AI of any xbox 360 launch titles yet. They will run cirlces around you, and try to sneak up behind you. They will also take fake swings at you and try to fake you out so they can get a nice swing at you with a 2X4. Speaking of 2X4s, there are several different weapons in the game, although, pretty much all of them are melee weapons. There is a tazor and a shotgun, but whenever you get a shotgun, it only gives you about 3 bullets to use. After shooting your few shots, you are done and you preceed back to melee combat. There are many cool different melee weapons though. For example, you can have a 2X4 that is on fire, or a 2X4 that has nails in it, crowbars, leadpipes, bats, and more. Tons of things ready for you to pick up and beat the living crap out of these crazy serial killers. The graphics in condemned are impressive as well. Like I said before, the characters are incredibly detailed and so are the enviroments most of the time. Sometimes the enviroments get a little repetitive because they are all so dark and some levels feel like the same as the last. Also, some of the enviroments are tricky and maze-like, and you will find yourself lost a few times. But Condemned, overall, gives you a nice scary feel and you really feel like you are alone, ready for some deranged human to charge at you. I say this game is worth the 60 bucks even without the Multiplayer. There is some xbox live compatibility though, such as downloadable content.
Condemned is a must have for any survival horror fan. This game will scare the heck out of you, even if you are playing in the middle of the day. If you can look past the sometimes bland enviroments, then you will see a great game that you will want to buy and play for a long time.