If you want a game that will scare you more then any movie, THIS IS IT! PLUSES and Minuses inside
First of all, I didn't really think this was going to be scary. I'm 25 years old and the only things that scare me are loud noises during a movie(such as people screaming, things going crash, etc). Well within the first level, I found myself jumping(lightly) about 3 times. @ the time, I didnt have a memory device and I just wanted to play something on the night/day of the launch. After realizing how scary it was, I decided to wait for a better time.
Tonight a friend and myself put it in because we figured it would be entertaining. Boy was it ever. Without runing anything, this is by far much scarier then any movie I have ever seen and any situation I could think of. I found myself yelling @ the top of my words trying to find a spot to hide in the game.
As you have probably read, the levels pretty much run the same thing. Tight halways with hard to see around corners. However we are about 5 hours into it and we were scared enough to not want to play anymore. Story keeps you going and the interuptions are perfectly times. The graphics are pretty darn good for a 1st generation title and the sound is AMAZING. if you a big screen TV w/ surrond sound. PLAY THIS GAME IN THE DARK, ALONE. I played it with a friend(like i mentioned earlier) and we were both scared.
It would great to play as a couple(boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, etc). You can take turns with the remote, considering the levels last longer then 10 mins. It'll probably get to a point where you dont want to take your turn. Am I gauranteeing this will scare you? heck no. I am sure there are some Marines or something out there that this wouldn't even budge.
However the story is great, graphics are superb(great bump maps), sounds is amazing. Everything is scripted perfectly. WAY TO GO SEGA.
Negatives(in my opinion). Not open ended, which is also a positive. But when first playing it takes a bit to get used to. Some of the sercrets are pretty difficult to find. and it makes you NOT want to walk down the halway to get to bed, in the dark! Pick this game up if you are looking for a good solo or couple game. Its better then any scary movie you could think of. being in control of it all makes it that much scarier. Its faster paced the Fatal Frame.