Impressive Enemy AI, Awesome Sound, and Solid Gameplay Make this Game a Must for All 360 Owners!
The story follows you as you track a serial killer through some pretty mean areas. The game is extremely dark and is best played with the lights off. Enemies come out of nowhere in the game, and the best part is, they are never in the same place twice. Each time you replay the game, the enemies are in a different spot. Another great part of the game is the level of sound. At any given time, there are 32 different sounds going at once to create an exceptional ambiance. When you crank up your speakers, you can almost feel what your characters feels.
On the downside, the learning curve is pretty high for an action game. It took a while to get the hang of investigating crime scenes, and one of my employees just could not grasp the whole limited supply of ammo concept (too much Halo on the brain).
Anyway, this game is a must have for every Xbox 360 owner and will definitely tide me over until Dead Rising and The Outfit are released at the end of January.