You will take the role of Ethan Thomas, an investigator. It takes place in metro city where you will not be taken kindly by most citezins. I will not go deep into the story because it always changes but I will tell you this much: You are basicly framed and you need to investigate and fight through homeless, addicts, and something more to prove yourself not-guilty. Condemned is not a game of guns. You will rarely be aquianted with one. It is all about picking up a crowbar and bashing an addict with it. The game features 10 levels. You will almost never come across a new charecter after half way but the story will change and progesses very well. You can also collect things that are hidden throughout the game like dead birds and metal pieces. If you collect enuff than the game will let you in on things to do with the story. If you are a fan of horror games, can get to sleep good and have your xbox in a room near the bathroom, Condemned is for you.
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Since the day I played Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube a few years ago I've had an interest in the horror-action-survivor games. Whether if it is the more popular series such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Fatal Fra... Read Full Review
First of I have to say the graphics is outstanding and so are the sounds in the game. You’re character is a FBI agent Ethan Thomas that is getting framed for killing two police officers. Now he must solve the murders to ... Read Full Review