"Gamespot gave it the rating it deserved but maybe bit higher woudnt have hurt"

User Rating: 8.6 | Condemned: Criminal Origins X360
I loved the game I got many scares when those freaks came out of every corner, When their anger got the best of them and they ran to get more weaponry, It gave it high suspense. The game play was tight, You can pick up the many weapons available, You can do killer moves after their knocked out, But one main problem with the game play was the fact that you have an axe and you need a sledge hammer to break a door open, That was a small factor that should be fixed, and the people dont die realistically I mean when you hit them they get small scars but I think an axe would cut somebodies head off you know. Grapics were only up to par with an original xbox game, They werent bad but the characters well at least the main characters looked cheap and kinda boring. Sound wasnt something to go crazy about but does give it a creepy ambience, The value is great because you'll find you're self going back to do better, to get more birds, more metals and to gain achievements which is easy to obtain here though they dont have the full 1,000 they have 970. This game is great and you should give it a big chance it wont let you down. I for one hope this series continues and gets the small factors fixed right away.