labyrinth like levels and very in-depth storyline, overall a very interesting game.
The game offers a variety of choice in weaponry with interesting upgrades to your armour and weapons, your choice of upgrades with drastically affect how you play each level, but the conduit 2 has a very short campaign. Instead it has a variety of multi-player games and a Invasion mode, where you can fight waves of enemies in order to gain credits which are used to buy upgrades, much like in Halo's firefight mode. The game features a variety of comedic moments and the all to common glowing weak spots on bosses.
Overall I feel that the conduit 2 is an exellant game but lacks the decent AI to be difficult. People also complain about trust and drudge weaponry being underpowered but neglect to reilise that you start off with the ballistics focus upgrade. just so its easy.
This is a must-have game.