So dissapointing I can hardly describe it. But obviously I can that's why I'm writing this review. :D
An OK game for un-experienced PlayStation 3 players which is why I gave it 6.5 it could have been such a good game if they put more money, time and effort in. Such a same to see a game go to waste. Graphics wer'nt near as good as they were made out to be. Game-play was OK but it's nearly the same each level. There were very few good points and too much bad. It's games like this that make me sad, just to see a game that could have been so good if they put more time in to it. Ah sure maybe next time, just maybe they will have learnt their lesson, hopefully anyway. So sadly folks I'm not going to recommend this could have been good game to you it would just be wrong oh so very, very wrong. So thank you very much for reading my review. Please read more.