Not that bad but, i expected so much more.........
User Rating: 7 | Conflict: Denied Ops PC
Not that bad but, i expected so much more........., really after playing games like Crysis, Bioshock, COD4, etc. in 2007, i assumed that this will be a great great game since it is the first big FPS in 2008, but what a disappointment ... it says that its next gen, but it is so far from it i can't really see why it would be!! While i was running through levels i didn't spot any glitches, and i think its a plus, becouse games these days sometimes forget about how important it is to deliver a smooth running game to us. Gameplay is rather fun with co-op mode, some nice physics and medium built story, but mostly missions is very linear, what a shame... i think most FPS gamers these days are looking for a game that delivers Action, tension and drama, ..not lame walking around sniping some dudes, and so on... I still quite liked this game, really don't know why, but i did, and i recommend to check it out, maybe you will not be amazed, but you will have some fun for sure :)