My last review about this Disastrous game was so offensive that i have been suspended by Gamespot...SO i am back
SO what i wanted to say is that people now a days think that by putting some guns, nasty explosions, stupid frustrating AI and some hopeless animation on a DVD, getting it published by EIDOS and then putting it into the FPS games department ....THEY ARE GONNA MAKE SOME MONEY.....
Well let me tell you my friends this is not true.....Which obviously this game proves out to everyone.....
Let me ask you one thing....Why did you made a game which has:
1. Worse gameplay then the previous games
2. Uglier Graphics then the previous games
3. Annoying and frustrating AI then the previous games.(somehow you will find an explosive barrel near every enemy that you face in this stupid piece of plastic garbage)
The only new thing that it has that the previous games dont have and i mean the only good thing is the RELEASE DATE....Atleast thats NEW....
I think they should hand you a HAMMER along side this game so that you do not hurt yourself when you are trying to break this DVD.......or Atleast they should hand out free FIRST AID KITS......just in case...
This game has nothing to do with entertainment....The only guy who gets entertained is the guy looking at you and seeing that you are so frustrated and are saying verbal abuses faster than EMINEM ....
I do not why they made this game ...I am sure CNN must be reporting DEATHS from all around the world the moment this game was released....
Why would they release such a game after the release of games like,"Gears of War","Crysis","Call of Duty 4","Bioshock"......
This is the biggest piece of plastic wastage done by mankind.....Means they could have sold out those DVDs.....or handed them out for FREE...But WHY THE FU>> did they put this game onto it and wasted all those DVDs......
Well i do not know about you....But do not buy this game......You can save that money.....or give it to charity....Is there no homeless people who live in your street......Use this money for good.....Not to waste on buying "something" which you take out every morning in your bathroom....
Please spread this word that this game is HAZARDOUS to HEALTH and may lead to suicide or injury to someone else due to the frustration caused by this game.........Thank You