Conflict: Denied just Denied and that's it.
the lead characters for instance, the single most cliched videogame characters in history. Full stop. Two hetrosexual masculine beardy men, with shades, bandanas, and fat cigars in their mouths. One guy, Graves (maybe the place where is should be sent more likely) looks incredibly like that Swedish bloke from Mercenaries. The other guy, can't remember what the bloody hell his name is, is your jive talking, "cool" black dude. The What choo talkin' about kinda guy, and together they make for two of the most despised characters I have ever come into contact with in a videogame.
The characters models look shoddy and naff, my PS2 could pull of better tricks than this, Black did, Killzone did, Call of Duty 3 did and even the older Conflict games looked better than this regurjutated spew of mince and tatties. Compared to Call of Duty 4, this looks almost as charming as Michael Moore's behind.
Talking of Call of Duty 4, many are saying about a few games at the moment, it would have been more appreciated before COD4 was released. In many cases that is probably true. In this case however, if I found this lurking at the PS3 launch, it still would have looked and played like a field of cow manure. In this day and age it is shocking to find something as unplayable and offending towards your eyes.
The gameplay and missions are bland and soooo dull, Get this, blow him up, get him, finish that, they sound that exciting. And, everything is centered around working as a team. Woop-de-doo. If you want teamwork action buy Army of Two when it is released or even stick to the old Conflict games, as you will have a more enriching and enjoyable time playing it.
Why on God's earth they even decided to go FPS in the first place is beyond me. The series was a great Third Person Tactical Shooter so why change it? Its like they saw Call of Duty the day it came out, thought "what an awesome idea!", if we make an FPS it will sell as much as it did, started making it between then and now and released it. With crap results. Ditching the Tactical Shooter edge is possibly the worst idea they could have possibly thought of - apart from making a game where Esther Ranson and David Dickenson fight together to defeat a band of evil Jungle Pirates.
Overall, the textures are flat, as is the gunplay. Weapons have appauling aim, bad guys look like they've just been prodcued out the "Terrorist Duplication Factory" and everything is so overly cliched and "been there done that" that it is highly monotonous and excruciatingly yawnable.
Stick to Call of Duty, Resistance or even Halo, just don't buy this.