An above average game. A rough diamond. This could be such a masterpiece with a few tweaks.
While you plan to take out the Iraqis you see a flock of birds flying over head well cut the poems out solider your in war. It this game take place in 1991 Gulf War where the east is in turmoil and hell is breaking loose so Bradley, Foley, Connors and Jones are sent in to curb the panic in Iraq. As you might think this is just another squad based shooter and I can’t be bothered to order my team round using complicated army terms which I’ll just lose interest. Well you couldn’t be more further from the truth. You either use the SAS or the American Delta Force each one has different expertise me I’d go for SAS but… Your in charge of 4 soldiers each with their own pros and cons. Bradley: team leader. He is a hardened team leader which is very strong character and protects his fellow comrades Foley: the sniper, he still holds the record for the longest recorded shot and is not bad with close weapons either, Connors heavy weapons, well he isn’t the cleverest of them all but still is a mighty fine solider and Jones: demolitions dude, this is a pretty quiet man and is fine at demolitions and is good with a spanner. You can control each player each one is responsive and has pros and cons. The game is very much based on squad based you have to use your squad effectively but your sniper high heavy weapons near the front if you go in guns blazing I can guarantee that you will die. Weapons are a main asset to this game so each solider is good with different with weapons. Connors is better with a Rocket Launcher more than Foley and he is better with a sniper rifle than Jones is. Though each weapon is a real model so if your worrying about authenticity then you’d be happy with this game. Also there are a few stealth elements in this game so there are stealth weapons at your disposal these includes silenced weapons and knives. The graphics I have to admit are not an improvement from the first one bland and the characters are squares though the explosions and gun shots are quite good and the blood platting everywhere. The environments are the same and there is no real difference between each level so I mean the graphics aren’t a great success. The sound is very much the same as the graphics samey and not much difference though we can still hear the Iraqi music on the radios and also there conversations, and there is also the Iraqi soldiers singing which is nice. Sometimes explosions are muffled and there is a beeping though it could be my speakers so not very high on graphics and sound Overall Conflict Desert Storm two is very high in terms of game play and thought into it, though the graphics and sound isn’t very good and I’d like to see that in further editions to the game. But what your looking at here is a very meaty shoot-em-up with tricky elements but I’d pick it up for about 10 quid nothing more than that, but having said all that its still worth a trynot to be missed if your into that genre.