A pretty crappy third-person shooter.

User Rating: 3.9 | Conflict: Desert Storm PS2
I think Desert Storm had some potential,but it dos'nt near reach the level of quality of games like SOCOM.

The gameplay is pretty poor.It can be a walk in the park,and then some times it will be freaking impossible! If you do'nt have an rpg with you,you'll have no chance whatsoever against a tank.The levels objectives seem to repeat themselves all to often.Hear is your long list of objectives throughout the game;Destroy radio equipment,destroy anemy armor,eliminate infantry.The only cool parts about it is the different grunts you can play as and there different weapons.and a sometimes fun co-op.,up to four players.

The sound is so terrible I some times would mute the TV through the games background music.The enemy's voices sound like 10 year old boys attempting Arab accents.

The graphics are very sloppy and you will see the same desert for miles and miles[exept when you get to go inside buildings].

I did not really like this game at all.You might consider renting it,or borrowing it from a friend.But do'nt waste you money on this wanna-be SOCOM.