A great co op game that should be played with freinds
User Rating: 8.3 | Conflict: Desert Storm XBOX
This games is like 20 bucks now. Trust me its worth it right now. Its okay playing alone. I mean you can conrtoll any of your sqaud members at anytime.Each one of them has theirs own weapons they carry for each missin. A sniper,medic,anti veichel man, and the team leader. I liked the idea when one of your team mates died you could use a medi kit to heal them. Playing with your freinds is what this game whats made for. Grab 4 controllers and 3 other freinds then their you can enjoy mission by mission with multiple objectives.
The graphics and the sound is ok.
GET THIS GAME FOR FUN 4 PLAYER CO OP. One of the best co op games i played in my life. Its very addicting with your buddies.
Game spot what were you thinking giving it a 4.8. Did you even try it out with a couple of buddies?