this is THE review for anyone going to buy the game
Global storm (in aust) is a great game. And has very improved storyline, gameplay, sound and graphics from the previous games including the side-step game Conflict: Vietnam the storyline is massively improved from all the previous games, global storm gives you a look into the lives of the charicters and in one instance family and the game sees a major charicter change. The game goes through a large range of environments that vary largly from house/city to jungle and deserts
the graphics have largely improved from the previous games meaning clearer environments, guns and new and improved death animations its also improved on the weapon selection menu and team selction
Of course the gameplay has improved with more commands and short-cuts
the game gets harder accordingly and the usual missions have been improved ammo is sparce in later missions the controls are easier than other games with smoother movements and a smater recoil which alows you to aim better after recoil your crew is smater too not just running into the line of fire
I dont normally grade sound but this is dramatically improved from the previous , the weapons sound real and the voice commands sound real
the multiplayer co-op is fantasic as usual and there can be a communications block between your freind (no not you jerome) so pick areliable freind that you can communicate well with if you can find a good freind it makes the game easier and more enjoyable the game is not so addictive that you cant drop it due to some difficult parts
like all games conflict global storm/terror has bad points as follows
vehicles are still generally bad to drive, the AI can sometimes be impossibly smart, some actions are almost impossible to do unless you are in exactly the right place (one took me 5 mins to do), storyline still not big or detailed some missions are impossible alone som shooters you can not find, objectives are very difficult to find.
overall this game is fantastic and better than the previous game of the series (unlike vietnam) you should definatly buy this game if you are a die hard shooter