I can't believe some people... If it's not RUN & GUN they don't like it. It's called a tactical shooter for a reason!

User Rating: 8.8 | Conflict: Vietnam PS2
First let me say I am a huge fan of the Conflict series. Yes, I've played SOCOM I & II online and off. Yes I've played Halo, Killzone, Call of Duty, all MOH's... Listen, these games (Conflict series) are not about running around in the jungle shooting at anything you see. You have to use a little strategy. Playing split screen with a friend on a widescreen TV is excellent. A friend and I went through one of the most difficult levels in Conflict II setting off NO ALARMS! That's how you do it! This game is a great addition to the conflict series. Graphics are still PS2ish but until the PS3 & XBOX 2 roll into town this is what we'll be dealing with. I love the fact that each soldier actually carries his weapons and pulls it off his back to use it. I think 1st/3rd person shooters that just pull a gun out of thin air when switching weapons are kind of lame. I love the new points distribution. And I love the fact there is a new Extreme level. What I don't like is that it seems that the makers of these games (Gotham/SCI) don't seem to understand how much fun these games are to play cooperatively. I mean Split screen is OK and all, but I want to be able to play through the regular campaign missions with a friend over the internet, with the dam headset! Is that too much to ask? I don't think so. I really hope the forth installment Conflict:Global Terror takes this point into account. The other problem I had with Vietnam is a problem that seems all to popular with shooters today. I felt like I was a donkey being led around to chase after the carrot. I mean what happend to the classics like Dark Forces? The levels in Dark forces seemed so HUGE. Conflict:DS seemed to have large areas set up for great crossfire battles. SCI needs to make the maps feel wider. When you are walking down a trail in the middle of the jungle there is only one way to go. Straight ahead. Where's the mystery in that? Get the AI together, make the levels larger and with more depth, and please let us play the next one Co-operatively online. Thank you