I waited almost 3 years for this game and when I played it I said this is crap. Live and Reloaded is like two games in one. The Xbox remake of Nintendo 64 game Conkers Bad Fur Day and Its multiplayer. Bad Fur Day is pretty cool. Its almost word to word the same as the N64 version, but theirs one big difference the graphics. The graphics like good at first, but after all the glitches in the game and the crappy frame rate,it ruins the awesome graphics. Now multiplayer is a different story. In my opinion it is the worst out there. Multiplayer focuses on a battle against Squirrels and Tediz. The modes in the game are basic like CTF, Assualt and territories. the graphics are the same problem as Bad Fur Day, with some crappy death animations and really crappy looking blood.The Music is one okay thing in the game,only the characters voiceovers always repeat the same thing over and over. multiplayer includes a mode called Chapter X, which is supposed to be chapter 10 to Bad fur Day. Chapter X has really crappy missions and has no story to it at all, except the crappy cut-scenes after each level telling which side wins. The game is broken in 6 classes.Grunt is the basic soldier with basic weapons and abillties. Sky jockey is the Pilot of the game, which stinks because on groung hes useless and once he has an aircraft its impossible to control because its in FPS mode when the games a TPS. The Long Ranger is the class I chose, hes the sniper, only problem the sniping is crap in this game. you have big maps to snipe on, but for some reason you get the smallest scopes with him. and in order to increase the scope you need to kill one guy, and go pick up a yellow power up orb he drops, but this is impossible because one a power up orb is drop every one rushes for it, and since your a sniper you are no good at close range so this brings him to the dirt. The fourth class is Thermophile and hes the pyro expert. All he does is fire long rang flamethrowers that does median damage. The next class is Sneeker and the name explains. The Sneekers a spy. The sneeker has many abillties, like Invisiblity, discuise and foriegn death. When you use invisibility you may look invisible, but to bad that the other team always sees a giant sign above your head saying "I'm invisible". When you discuise yourself you dress like the other team, but to bad that the other team always sees a giant sign above your head saying "I'm a Spy". then when you use foriegn death you play dead, but to bad that the other team always sees a giant sign above your head saying " I'm playing dead." The final class is the Demolisher. hes the big guy n the game. Hes the most powerful of the six classes, and he uses rocket launchers, only problem with him is EVERY ONE USES HIM. This makes it unfun andjust makes the game a rocket fest. Overall Conker may have been fun on the N64, but this time around his game was horrible.
I love this game, i was so happy when I heard that there was a a shotting game with talking squirrels coming out! and the best thing about it is they use fowl language! :D :D :D :D IT OWNS!!!! I think it is one of the be... Read Full Review
"Conker's Bad Fur Day" is a game that will live in my own private "hall of fame" as one of the greatest games of its console generation. That it appeared on a platform like N64, which was heavily ridiculed for a lack of ... Read Full Review