A great remake of the award-winning Conker's Bad Fur Day, and an awesome multiplayer to boot!
User Rating: 10 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
Well, all I can say. I was really really looking forward to this game. Just yesterday I was able to pick up my copy of Live and Reloaded, and all I can say. When I first put it into my Xbox, and saw the game in it's prime. I was simply wowed. Gameplay- The gameplay is very simular to the N64 version (Single Player wise) The buttons are very responcive, nothing really feels out of place when you do an action. Now, for the multiplayer. The controls for the multiplayer, is actually how a 3rd-person shooter would control. (Just how later on in the single player, you'll take control of a 3rd person shooter aspect.) The solid controls, and the great game itself. BFD was very responcive, and so is this version. I was very please att his. The only thing I found a bit twitchy, is the camera. When your in a close area, it's very jumpy, and very frustrating, but that doesn't show up often. Graphics- The best I have ever seen. The graphics in Conker are amazing. It was almost like playing it for the first time. BFD had the best N64 graphics to date. This, also sets the bar. You could almost reach out to your tv, and count the many furs on Conker's tail. The shine off of everything is just amazing. Everything is very polished and just simply breath taking at times. The same is for the multiplayer, mostly the same graphics that are in the single player. They are just very breath taking as the single player was. Sound- The sound in the game is another highlight of the game. All the voices (Most of them done by one man.) The music is very catchy, the many tunes you hear has you pass along different area's are very catchy indeed. Sound effects of your weapon bashing someone is very satisfying when it actually sounds like your hitting them with much force. In the multiplayer (and later in the single player), the shooting sounds are very well done. The voices of everyone has their own unique sense of personality. Very well done. Value- Along with the awesome multiplayer, the awesome single player. There is many to come back too. If you don't have Xbox Live, but you loved the single player in BFD. This is the game for you. You can also play the multiplayer, but against bots, or with friends. That still can be fun. People with Xbox Live. There is much to enjoy here, when there is a full server things are very intense and exciting. With a few people, it's alright, but with many people things do get very intense and just plain fun as well. Conker Live and Reloaded is a great remake of the old classic. So far this is going to be the only game I play for a long time. People on Xbox Live, if you want to play, check out my profile and you can add me. I won't be playing Halo 2 in a loooong time thanks to Live and Reloaded. Thank you Rare for making such an awesome remake of an old classic. Everything is very great, and I will love it untill the next gen-consoles will be released. This title is a go out and buy title if you love gritty humor, intense action, and just if you want to laugh.