Well remaked, Conker Live and Reloaded is one of the most funny game you'll ever play on any consol and computer.

User Rating: 9.2 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
Gameplay - The gameplay is the the best but still enought good to run the game well. 8/10 Graphics - One word : SUPERB! 10/10 Sound - Quite perfect ; the sound introduce you more into the game. 9/10 Value - Good price but still a bit high. 9/10 Tilt - Funny from the beggening to the end. 10/10 I have played Conker Bad fur Day 4 years ago and it was really funny, even if it's a remake so the single player is praticlty the same as on the n64 (eccept some little change and the big improvment on the graphics) it's still really funny and I'm still laughting at the old joke. The thing that make this game worth a 9.2/10 is the multiplayer part. They completlty redo the multiplayer and it's now really enjoyable, it's even funny when you play the multiplayer. As well, i don't recommende this game to ppl under 14 or not good consol player, because this game is not easy. The single player is quite hard the first time you do it and if you're not good it can be frustrating. To controle your caracter in multiplayer can be hard too and it's sometime really not easy. At all, this game gonna make you laught and have some fun, enjoyed it!