The best xbox live game ever

User Rating: 9.3 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
First off i never played conkers bad fur day, so this game was new and fresh to me. The single player portion of the game is hilarious, the funniest game i've ever played. The sp also has alot of good gameplay. this gamplay is composed of puzzle solving platforming and 3rd person shooting. If you never played conkers bad fur day, you are not offended by givng a cow squirting sh*ts then killing it, and you have xbl you have to get this game. The multiplayer portion of the game is the place where i have spent the most time. This is because its so good. In mp you have objective and you have to choose a class. It's like rtcw. One of the levels called beach dead has the shc(furry loveable squirls) in the landing boats.Your probably think wow nothing special its been done before, but no. You have 30 seconds before the boat door actually opens to let you out, giving the tediz time to man mgs and riddle your boat full of holes when the door opens. It is awsome to see tracers light up the shc on either the giving or receiving end. although the game has slighty large learning curve on the mp side it is rewarding when you figure out how to play it. In some ways conkers mp is very revolutionary. such as the 30 sec timer i talked about, being able to disable vehicle terminals with the sneakers hacking capabilities, the sniper rifle having to charge up, the sneakers ability to feign death and disguise himself, having upgradable weapons in mp,being able to make gun emplacements, and being able to make teleporter gates gates. The flashbang grenades in this game are also revolutionary, when you get flashed your character can't see or move. In most games if you get flashed you can still run but you can't see which makes them useless, in cs i know the levels so well that when i get flashed i know wich way to go to get away. The mp may seem unbalanced at first, but if you invest the time you will find that this is one of the most well balanced, and funnest mp games ever.