Wow I played this 5 years ago, great game but what took so long for a simple tech update with online thrown in.

User Rating: 5.8 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
I loved this game when it came out on the N64, why they decided to redo it, I dont know, seems like a waste of time and money. If you want to play it and are on the cheap side pick up the N64 version its probably 10 bucks at the most by now and is essentially the same game without the online feature, sure its prettier now but the jokes are the same the parodies are the same, it seems like I deserve more new content for my 50 bucks. I know Rare likes to take their time and really put out great games, This game was great 5 years ago, so what have they been doing for the last 5 years, it seems like other than a small amount of editing to the story and gameplay. And of course adding in an online multiplayer mode. Of course there are far better online games out there so I dont know why a gamer would buy the game just for that. I love Rare, they created all most all of my favorite N64 games but this is a little ridiculous. So as far as I am concerned keep playing your other great multiplayer games and if you must pick up this game, grab a used copy of the N64 version and dont support Rare and their BS re-hash of a game that is not old enough to be considered a classic yet.