ok gamespot must've been doing something when they tested this game....

User Rating: 3.4 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
THIS GAME IS HORRIBLE!!! sorry, i just had to let that out.

let's start with gameplay. a platform, yet ur constantly just walking from point a to point b with little to no obstacles for about 10 minutes. combat is stupid, and it says u will constantly be using guns, which u dont. now of course this is just in the storyline, which is nothing like online

WHICH IS STILL HORRIBLE!!! ok, i tried it online many times, couldn't even figure out what i was supposed to do. i had a wimpy machine gun and i couldnt zoom in and i had to shoot some guy who i can only see an inch of who's hiding behind a wall that's eh idk about 50 feet away from me?

multiplayer. it's alright, nothin special. NOT WORTH BUYING THE GAME.

graphics. GAMESPOT, R U MAD??? the graphics are AVERAGE. if u think this is good graphics on the xbox, then u really have to play other games.

sound, really disgusting unnecassary noises throughout the whole game.

not addicting at all.

not only that, it tries to make itself "cool" by adding a flower with ginormous breasts, killing a giant piece of crap, making a cow crap and then exploding it, swimming in crap, killing demented babies, and eating chocolate to heal urself.


and wen i say 10 hours or less, i mean 2 hours.