By far the funniest game on the XBOX!
It triumphs in every area it ventures into, the plot for instance, in which Conker goes on a drunken bender and winds up in the middle of a mental unfamiliar world is hilarious with perfectly pitched voice acting for the supporting characters (of which there are scouse dung beetles and a panther king( I'd say some more but I don't want to spoil the shock for anyone)) and Conker himself.
It spoofs tons of movies such as Alien, The Matrix, Dracula, Van Helsing and many more besides.
There are no problems with the graphics which give the game the look of a CG film (yes they are that good!) or the music, which balences spoofs and original music perfectly.
The level design is also well done, it makes you feel like you've been some where even though you always circle back to where you started.
Then there's the multiplayer which consists of co-op and death match over XBOX Live, these too are also well balanced with good arenas for the frags to mount up in.
Overall this is a gem of a game (Its the funniest that i've played by miles) and now since its on the classics best of label at 10 quid you shouldn't resist buying it.