Children’s game with a 18 label
The game is almost like a Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie Rip off but at a much slower pace. The game has a poor story line that doesn’t keep you interested for longer then an hour and is let down by boring enemies and even more boring level layouts and designs.
The sound doesn’t do anything for the game either, the speaking is let down by swearing which is beeped out every time, but the swearing makes the game feel over done and all most childish in the amount of times these words are used. It would have been much better to see well written scripts and better voice acting then just bad language which half the time is unnecessary
The graphics are good and well presented but are masked by the poor game poor story and a game that feels like it was planned, designed and made in one day.
Over all it’s a good idea and could have been a good family game, but because of the adult content, it falls short every time.