Conker is one of the greatest games on the XBOX, its a platformer which the XBOX needed badly, and a funny one too.

User Rating: 9.6 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
When microsoft bought RARE they acquired the conker franchise. Conker is famous mostly for conkers bad fur day, when of the greatest 64 games of its time. RARE decided that they should remake bad fur day, with better graphics and more spunk to it, well they did just that.

The gameplay is a traditional platformer. You run around and jump on stuff and then u take out a bat and hit enemys. When you hit an enemy and they die, cartoonish blood comes out which just makes it funny for some reason.
About 3/4 into the game it becomes a third person shooter, with normal shooting gameplay.

Online is really underrated, the problem is, is that people do not want to give it time. You must give online play a good hour too learn because with the sword you cant do anything good unless you learn a certain combo. Online play just takes some time, but after its one of the funnest online experience you can have. In online there is a number of things you can do such as: Destroy the enemy boss, capture the flag, and deathmatch. Destroy the enemy boss, is simple, all you do is break 3 gates and than destroy your enemys base/boss.

Sound is very good. The song is right there and its so childish that its just a weird addition to the game. The voices are very well done, very clean, crisp voices and some have funny accents such as conkers.

The story is all just comedy, some of the stuff in this game is just so random that you dont know whats coming. They bleep out the swear words which just makes it more funny. Just imagine a paint bucket telling a paint brush to **** off, its pretty funny.

Lasting replay is ok, you might want to see some scenes over again, but after an amount of time you have had enough. Online play can have you playing like 3 months on it because of how fun it is.

Conker live and reloaded is a very good XBOX platformer, and still needs to be backwards compatibal with 360 ( in case your buying it for 360 ). Conker is certainly back, and he is going live and reloaded!