The game is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The gameplay was awsome you use to have a pan and now a base ball bat
covered with nails talk about ouch.Also the game play was filled with time and detail so the game was longer good job by the company.The gameplay is kinda the same except for some minar points.The sound...... MAGNIFICENT the sound was awsome the guns firering off its like your there about to die or getting hit with blobs of poo..... well thats a long story.
The sound improved alot from abysmal to perfect I tell ya the game has went from perfect for fun to guilty pleasure.The value of the game is long it atleast takes you a couple days to beat it at the least.The fact of me liking the game is out of hand there is no way I can like this the thing I do is love it.
The multiplayer woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo improved tons from cooking dino eggs to planting machine guns and blowing doors up and massive killing sprees or even driving helicopters and driving suv's.So dont forget to pick this up today thats right you go and get it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.