I got this game for a ridiculous $75 but it might be the best dang $75 I've ever spent
User Rating: 9.5 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
Conker's Bad Fur Day was originally intended to be another kids game made by Rare titled Twelve Tales: Conker 64 during its partnership with Nintendo, similar to Banjo Kazooie. But many people deemed it as another cutesy game which caused Rare to overreact and the development of Conker 64 was put on hold, eventually being released as Conker's Bad Fur Day in 2001 (the same year the Nintendo Gamecube was released) the finished game would drop the family friendly nature and become more adult oriented featuring strong language, bloody violence, alcohol and tobacco use, and loads of sexual references, the game would go on to be one of the last Nintendo 64 games. The game consists of 9 chapters which are: Hungover (which is simply a tutorial mission where you learn the controls), Windy (which is used as the sub world of the game), Bats Tower (which is a parody of the movie A Clockwork Orange), Barn Boys (a world filled with humor you would probably see on a Looney Toons Cartoon, but much more explicit) Sloprano (where simply the whole theme of the chapter is a world literally made of crap), Uga Buga (which is a dinosaur/caveman themed world), Spooky (this chapter has a haunted house theme and features zombies and vampires, Conker even turns into a bat at one part of the chapter). It's War (which is a parody of the movie Saving Private Ryan) and Heist (which is a parody of the movie The Matrix). The story of the game is a day long journey where Conker gets wasted at the local pub and ends up heading the wrong direction from home, on his journey he runs into loads of strange characters and does favors for them for cash. Some of the characters include Birdy The Scarecrow, Gregg the Grim Reaper, Franky the Pitchfork along with Reg the Paintbrush and Ron the Paint Can and even some catfish that literally look and act like cats. There are more silly characters/bosses in the game but you will have to find out about them yourself. Now the games graphics are possibly the best looking game on the N64, it literally pushes the console to its limits. The gameplay is pretty much like most platform games, though the camera can be a bit of a pain at times. The game might start off slow but as the game goes on you really grow attached to it and you need to see what happens next, once you beat the game however you will definitely be wanting more. The game also has an up to 4 player multiplayer mode which is loads of fun but doesn't match up to the main game. If you own a Nintendo 64 and you happen to see this game at a flea market or anywhere else that sells old games, I recommend getting it. I got the game for a ridiculous $75 but it might be the best dang $75 Ive ever spent. Conker's Bad Fur Day is a must own for gamers who love action and platforming games.
Overall: 9.5/10