It's difficult to find games better than Conker's Bad Fur Day; it's funny, lengthy, and the multiplayer is easily the best you'll find on the console. I'm going to keep this review short and just suggest that if you haven't got this game yet, then you have to. Don't get the Xbox remake because the multiplayer in that game is almost completely different, and in a very bad way. Do yourself a favor and buy this game, or download it if you're desperate. I just found that the limit of a review is 100 words, so I'm gonna have to continue on for a bit.... OK I think I've reached the limit by now.
For some a title like this could be considered blasphemy, especially since all Rare titles are in contention so we will probably not get Goldeneye, either. While I wish we could have them both again this is, in my opinio... Read Full Review
Conker was meant to be a kind and cute squirrel but Rare had to change him because they were scared that he was going to get lost with all the other cute characters because people always saw cute characters from Rare. Co... Read Full Review