Playing this game when i was younger was awesome for one main reason... the multi-player!
The graphics were sweet for there time. The characters looked awesome, and the weapons were sweet as ever. All of the cool moves you could do were just great fun. The multi player was so fun because you were in the war of the teddy's and the squirrels, and when i was younger, the single player didn't have any of that, so i thought it was pretty lame.
The sound is amazing as well. The voice-overs are great and the dialogue is down right hilarious. Unless you are too young to get all of the jokes, this game will make you laugh your ass off!
The replay value for this game isn't too high for the singke player game, but the multi-player portion of the game will keep you coming back for more for a long time to come~!
Overall, this is a great game for the N64, and if you didn't play it then, play it now! If you don't have an N64, pick up and play the Xbox version. The single player is seemingly unchaged with a HUGE graphics boost, but the multiplayer doesn't seem as fun. Regardless, you can read about that game in my review of Live and Reloaded. Check this game out for one of the best and funniest platformers from back in the day, and for some great multiplayer!