Better Multiplayer in this version then on the XBox.

User Rating: 10 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
This was a pretty fun game to play. The best part I think is the multiplayer in the game. The story was kind of funny to see.

The graphics, they were pretty good for the N64 days. The enviroments looked really good and can be somewhat pretty massive. The characters are pretty memoriable in this game of cource Conker is the most memoriable of all.

The gameplay is really fun in the game. the controls are not that hard to use in the story mode nor the multiplayer mode. Some things were kind of fun to play in the story mode. The multiplayer mode is the funnist gameplay in the game.

The sound is good in the game. The voices are well done, the sound is right and the music is good as well.

The value is that it is worth it. If only Rare was part of NIntendo, it would have been nice to make a remake of the game on the Gamecube then on the stupid xBox.