Conker is one of the first games i ever played as a kid. It was the greatest game around when i was a little kid.
The story starts off with conker getting drunk and getting lost from home. And he adventures his way all threw his little world trying to earn cash and find his girlfriend Barri. Most of the Bosses in the game are really funny and stupid. But there are really fun to fight. My Favorite was "The Great Mighty Poo". The only down fall is you have to use a stupid Frying pan. But you get a shotgun and 2 mini machine guns later on in the game. In the war levels you also get to use a Rocket Launcher and a Tank too.
But there might be only one down fall to the game if you have strict parents who don't let you play games with blood and gore, profanity, some nudety (well kinda). But i say its the greatest game ever created for the 64.
One of the other greatest things about the game is the Multi Player mode. You can play as Uga Bugga, Raptor, Evil Teddie, Squirl, Wesal exc... In the games of Tanks, Beach, Heist, Raptor, War, and Race. But mi favorite is Every man for him self. You and/or up to 3 of your friends can play against each other or on teams to kill all the other coumputer players in the mini games. Or you can try to do the little missions in them. But i like every man for him self cause all you do is kill people. There are loads of weapons and cheats for this game.
The graphics are really great for a 64 game. There is tons of blood and gore. It's a really good compition game. I would recomend this game to all good shooter/action game lovers. The controls are really easy and fast to learn. The weapon i would prefer would be the shot gun. It's my favorite.
I would also recomend the newest game "Conker Live and Reloaded"
So go check it out if you haven't already!!! THNX for reading Nick..