Conkers entry to the gaming world, its not bad, but clearly has some setbacks.
The game starts off with conker and his (i assume) girlfriend berry at conkers birthday party. Then, an evil acorn pops out of your cake and kidnaps her. so its up to you to retrieve your birthday presents, and save berry. automatically you will realize, that this game is nothing like Bad Fur Day. Well, bad fur day was actually supposed to be called Conker 64 Twelve Tales, and was supposed to be very similar to this game, a kiddish cutie platformer. but, Rare was sick of complaints about always making cute platformers, so they morphed it into what we know as Bad Fur Day.
With the back story out of the way, Lets get back to the game. So its an overhead view, using pre rendered 3d graphics, mixed with some 2d graphics for grounds, some objects, etc. and it actually looks very nice. considering its for the game boy, the graphics are very colorful and vibrant(unless your playing on original game boy) and look fantastic for the time.
The gameplay is actually pretty fun. the maps can be hard to follow sometimes, but its nothing major.its a decently long game, with lots of collectibles along the way. the controls arent to bad, but can get annoying when your stuck in tight spaces.
One major problem i have with this game is the boss battles. if you go into a boss fight without your sling shot ammo, your screwed. there is no ammo refill in the boss arenas, so you basically have do die and go back from wherever you saved.
I enjoyed the music in this game. its upbeat, whistle along kind of music.
Whats very interesting about this game, is that its 2 games in one. if you play it on the game boy, you get one game, if you play it on the game boy color, you get the other, they are both very similar, but have also have some very clear differences.
One thing I really liked about his game, was that it was very adventure ish. its similar to banjo kazzoie. its not very often you find that on game boy. Theres over 50 presents to collect, and theres also invitations, red presents, and other random items along the way, making it a formidable adventure(for gameboy standards).
Altogether, the game is not bad, but it is clearly meant for young kids, just entering video games.To me , I love bad fur as well, but it really wouldn't have mattered which way they would have went with the series to me. i thought that this game was just fine, but is usually hated due to the fact that it isn't like its sequel, which shouldn't make it a worse game.