cool hard levels and demons lots of demons puzzels and wepons what else dou need
User Rating: 9.4 | Constantine PS2
cool game game awsome movie nice wepons holy bombs holy shotgun crusafire dragon breath bottom line awsome wepons chalenging puzzels dark atmosfire lots of action just plain adictive ok seriosly buyn it but be warnd if you dont like puzzels or tricky games you or acctualy learnig the game dont play it or rent it or buy it or you will just waste your money ok if you just like to butten mash dont buy or rent or even play this game this game is for people who really play a game ok just buy the game if you really whant to learn to play it if you like action and lots of it than this is the game for you so if you like killing demons solving puzzels and acctualy thinking to solve the puzzels not just relaing on luck to solve them but dont take my word for it rent or buy or just play the game so you can see how the game really works ok just buy it