All-around good RPG,Fun gameplay,lots of upgrades and collectables,good story and amazing characters! It cant be beat!

User Rating: 9.1 | Contact DS
Gameplay: This is probably where the game can tilt either way for any given person. The battle system is in my opinon quite robust.... ok so you dont have alot of choices in what you can ACTUALLY do but you have about a million different wepon choices once you collect them all. Not to mention all the suits that Terry can find that will changes his stats and given him certain specail attacks. Finally the hyped Sticker system... so its funny here because even the professor in the game is a little confused about how this works... basiclly you have two types of stickers ones that are in a book that help you the player (chaning surrounding monsters into rabbits) and then ones that directly effect Terry(changes his stats)... if you noticed i said some help you and some help Terry the main character.... thats becasue YOU the person playing the DS are a character in the game too! this is one of the strongest points of the game because it really makes you feel like your part of the story... anyway the battle system is well balanced when Terry fights many guys you can feel the power growing in him but during boss fights you realize you might need to go back and level up somewhere but it doesnt take long its almost perfect in the ammount of time it takes to get leveled up.... its worth the work to defeat a boss and know that you actually had to work to get to that point but its not too much work that it gets boring
Saving is an issue many people dont talk about in a game review but i thought i would bring it up even thought Contacts save system is fairly basic ... there are Beds that you "go to sleep" in which will save your game also there is typically a bathtube around for recharging your health.

Ok again this is a preference thing... the graphics in the professors world are all in "bit" style (8/16) yet in terry's world its all hand drawn beautiful land scapes.. . the bosses are somtimes a cross.... more towards terry's side becasue the battels take place in his world. all the animations are pretty good

The music in my opinion is one of the best things about the game... there are some songs i feel are not used enough. all weapon sound are good and all creature sound are good... Value:
first of all let me say im not sure how the value will work out... seeing as im not sure how wifi works yet i know the idea but will it keep me playing? we will see.... other then that i think it will be fairly good seeing the fact that there are like a zillion items you can collect... im serious... there are like 3 different types of items... weaopons, foodish items, and other items and there are prob about 50 or 60 of each type so there is alot to collect also there are many spells which i havent begin to learn... so if you see value as content then well this is the best handheld value around.

This section was just to say that the characters and story development has been my favorite part seeing as I am NOT terry I am ME... the professor is amazingly funny and the story is quite intersting so far...

Overall: As i said before this is an All-around good RPG with fun gameplay, lots of upgrades and collectables, good story and amazing characters! It cant be beat!