Hardcore to the extreme!!
OK, there aren't that many levels in the game. Only 9 overall. Make no mistake, these are probably going to be the 9 hardest levels you'll ever play in your life. But its because the game is so hard that makes it so bad ass. Its all classic Contra.
Basically, your a guy, here's your gun, go shoot stuff. Your a one man army and you take on a practically never ending horde of enemy soldiers or robots or whatever the game throws at you. Similar to other shoot em' ups like Metal Slug.
The instant where you start the game and are dropped off by a helicopter, you'll know it, everything about this game just screams classic. The controls, the weapons, everything's here. They even kept the pseudo 3D corridor levels. The music. You'll hear your classic Contra tunes remixed or else new tunes in the same style. The bosses, you'll find the first boss to be practically the same as the one in the original Contra.
Theres also a multiplayer co-op included in the game. The co-op is virtually the same as single player. But double the Fire Power, double the Lives and double the FUN. Just one thing though, the camera doesn't scroll down so on vertical scrolling levels, if a guy is too slow or a guy is too fast, the guy on the bottom will die.
Overall this game just rocks. There are plenty of unlockables including the original nes Contra and Super C just to name a few. The game is practically built for Contra fans. It caters almost purely for that group but thats not to say this is a bad game. If you've been itching for a tough as nails old-school game, Contra 4 is your best bet.