Its everything you want in a contra game. Glorious 2D graphics, its portable, challenging, and has great extras!

User Rating: 10 | Contra 4 DS
I never really liked contra games. 4 years ago my friend tried to get me into it, but i never really gave it a chance, and hadn't played a contra game since. But 2 days ago i walked into gamespot with some extra christmas cash, and looked for some good DS games. The first thing i see is Contra 4, and thought to myself i try it again. Went home, put it into my DS, and was instantly blown away. It looked great, had amazing power-ups, and it was beautifuly designed. And even after you beat the game there is still loads to do. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but lets just say, if you want to relivethe good old NES days, you'll beat the game.

Anyways, Contra is currently in my top 5 favorite series and Contra 4 is my favorite from all the ones i recently played, all DS owners need this game!