Contra is a good game, its just that over the years it has kind of aged poorly. Now don't get me wrong, I love old games and I respect the classics, its just that unlike some of the other games of Contra's era, For instance, Super Mario Brothers and Pac Man, it just doesn't hold up as well as they do (though Pac Man is a repeated glitch when you get down to the core of it). Having said that though there are things about Contra that do hold up well today, like the twitch gameplay and controls, or some of the levels (although the base interior levels are very poor and are pretty much just throwaway's), or the final boss battle (I would love to see what that would look like in a movie, though done good of course), witch still is intense even to this day. Overall if you love old school and can get back into the old hardcore difficulty games without stressing your nerves to much, like me, then you should give this game a try ...who knows, you just might fall in live with it.
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