Ah, Contra; the very name instills memories of sitting in my basement in front of an old TV and playing until the cows come home and then some. Damn will this game keep you hooked. I must have spent so much time playing this game over the past 15 years, (I'm 15 by the way) and I'm still loving it. So easy to pick up and play, (D-pad to move and aim, A to jump, and B to shoot) and so goddamn challenging that to this very day I have not beaten it. I spent 4 days trying to find everything for my old NES, and when I couldn't find it, I ended up downloading the game for my PC. And even though I can't play for crap on a keyboard, I must have spent 3 hours playing it and dying continuously. Finally, I found my old NES. Man, was I happy. Even with the classic NES controller in hand, I COULD NOT BEAT THIS GAME!!! I even used the 30 life code and still, I only made it to level 7. Man I can't wait to stop typing this and go beat it for the first time..................... So addictive; a true classic.
Okay, if you do not know that cheat code right up there then you're not a true gamer. When I was a little kid my first words were those right there. My family thought there was something wrong with me. Okay so that's ... Read Full Review
Ignore the obscure title "Probotector" European gamers, what you see here is the best example of how the use the NES hardware. Although Contra is weaker on the NES compared to it's arcade brother, Contra on NES is probab... Read Full Review