Want to know about the game that made me recharge my DS over and over?
Cook with Mama is the mode where you cook! Simply do as you're told! Slash, cut, shred, mix, cop, boil, fry, bake..and everything you can think of!!!! You cook so many yummy stuffs, 80 recipes of cute desserts to delicious meals! And you get ranked for each recipe, as you'll be given medals after finishing the recipes depending on your performance, Gold medal (Given to you when your score reaches 100), Silver and Bronze. But sometimes you'll suck at one recipe so much that you'll receive no medals, you'll get a broken coin lol =P no kidding.
And if you liked how a certain recipe looks like, you can save it in an album to show your friends (Bear with me =P this is what they told me in the game, alright?) Hehe! Yep~~! I saved the muffin cause I was hungry at that time! =P
Anyway, don't think this game is just a "piece of cake" well, it is, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a certain degree of challenge, as there's a mode called "Let's Cook" where you can either cook with Mama or Chika, who is just as adorable =P LOL! What makes this a bit challenging is that you CANNOT afford mistakes! Yep! Hehe
You also have a Contest mode where you can either have a solo contest in which you can make hamburgers and other stuff, and a friends contests where Wi-Fi kicks in. =D
Over all, if you're not this kinda games, I still recommend to rent it, otherwise, It's a must-own, seriously fun! and CUUTE!